Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Jungle #2

As we ascended up into the cloud forest, a steady drizzle accompanied us. The surroundings were breathtaking, and reminded us of the beautiful forests of southeast asia. Each square foot seemed to have at least ten different species of plant. The guides kept taking what seemed like random seeds off of the trees and giving them to us to eat. One seed pod in particular, which looked like a huge bean, was filled with furry looking seeds that, when placed in the mouth, tasted exactly like caramel.

Here is a shot of our horse train. We've by now donned our rain ponchos to try and keep dry.

Here is a good shot of Bentz and Audrey. The kids were fascinated by both the surroundings and the horses.


Here is another shot of the group.  One of the horses didn't want to hold still so one of the guides helped out. 

Finally, here is a shot of a crazy looking flower that was growing all over the place. These flowers always took root above the ground in the trunk of a tree. The skin of the leaf (the purple part) was thick and tough, similar to a rubbery type of cactus leaf. But the flower part was a normal delicate flower. Simply gorgeous.

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