Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Caminata #2

Continuing on the hike, we entered a narrow ravine, which we more or less followed all the way to the top. Sometimes it was deeper or narrower than at other times, but it was always beautiful, with the sides covered by moss.

Here is one of the stunning panoramas from the hike. In the distance, you can barely see a little town, which is called Minas, and which was our starting point.

Here is another picture of Jorie, looking and feeling like she is on the top of the world. I really am proud of her for doing this hike. It was steep all the way up, and she was such a trooper. I think most of the adults I know would have a rough time at it, especially since we started at around 9000 ft above sea level, and she is only 9. 

Here is a good picture of one of the volcanoes in the background. Here we were finally on the downhill part of the caminata, and Imbabura is in the background. Otavalo is at the base of Imbabura. Good times were had by all. Jorie kept at it until the very end. Only with a few kilometers left, when we were just outside of Quichinche, did she start thinking about how tired her legs were, and showed me her "sewing machine leg" to prove it.

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