Tuesday, February 15, 2011


After looking at a couple of different places, we found a nice little place in a small town called Sua, which is a half hour or so south of Atacame. Atacame is the main nice beach that is closest to Otavalo. We arrived a couple of weeks before the busy season started, so we got a good deal on the little beach house we rented, and basically had the beach to ourselves. The beach house had a little front deck where Amy and I could sit and watch the kids on the beach. The kids absolutely loved it. After so much time having to wear pants and shoes all the time, they basically lived in their swimsuits for a week.

Ok, well, I was sick of wearing a ton of clothes all the time, so I basically lived in my swimsuit for a week as well. We tried to set up the camera on a piece of driftwood for a family photo. I think it turned out all right.

The kids had such a great time in the waves; they were just the right size. Jorie was great to be holding on to Audrey and Bentz, helping them to stabilize. 

I think of all of us, perhaps Amy loves the beach best, with so many memories from her childhood with her grandparents and cousins. Amy took some time to work on some cool beach themed photos. This one turned out especially cool.
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